Pictured (L-R): Paul Ginkel, Treasurer, Crossing Rivers Health Foundation; Jessie Soenksen, Center for Specialty Care Manager; Nicole Martin, Chief Operating Officer; Sonya Anderson, RN; Lacie Anthony, Licensed Professional Counselor; Elisabeth Byers, Library Director; Linda Munson, Board President; Chris Foley, Public Relations Specialist; Sasha Dull, Chief Development Officer/Foundation Director
The Crossing Rivers Health Foundation and Crossing Rivers Health Behavioral Health team recently donated more than 50 books to the Prairie du Chien Public Library. The books were selected by the Crossing Rivers Health Behavioral Health team and featured a variety of topics relevant to both children and adults, including emotions, parenting guidance, and more. The library in Prairie du Chien is one of four libraries to receive a donation of these resources. The funds for the books were raised at the Crossing Rivers Health Foundation’s Golf Classic, held in September. More than $17,000 was raised for the Behavioral Health program. Funds from the event were also used to establish a scholarship for area high school students entering a social work, behavioral health or similar career field.