The river continues to recede and is close to the 20 feet mark. Some streets are being opened in Prairie du Chien. Remember – if there are barricades across the street, that street is still closed. The city says debris removal will start as the water recedes, and they ask for your patience while they attempt to accomplish what they can while still dealing with high water. City and County Officials will continue to meet and share updates throughout the cleanup efforts. If you have sandbags and you want to dispose of them, you are asked to take them to the city parking lot behind the radio station. Cut open the bag and place sand in a pile and discard the sandbag in the trash receptacle that has been provided.
The flood has delayed the opening of the popular Cassville Ferry which runs across the river between Southwest Wisconsin and Northeast Iowa. Operators of the ferry announced on social media that the ferry was scheduled to start operating on Friday, but won’t be opening due to the high water levels. There is a good chance it won’t operate at all this month. Operators say they will have another update in two weeks.