Parents and caregivers are essential to children’s healthy development. Parents and caregivers ensure that children are healthy and safe. They teach children the skills to succeed as adults. They provide a soft place to land when children are experiencing difficult situations. In addition, parents and caregivers offer their children love, acceptance, appreciation, encouragement, and guidance. Sometimes parenting can be challenging. Amanda Nagel-Griswold, Human Development and Relationships Educator, notes that compared to past generations, many parents and families have become isolated. Opportunities for parents to learn tips and new strategies to relate with their children is important.
UW Madison Division of Extension is offering its second annual parenting conference.
The Raising Wisconsin’s Children Conference is a free, online conference for parents and caregivers of children providing supportive, practical parenting and child development information. The conference runs from Monday, January 23 through Friday, January 27. The presentations will be at noon and at 7:00 P.M. All sessions will be recorded for your viewing convenience. All sessions will be closed captioned and available with live Spanish interpretation. Sessions include: Parenting Your Autistic Child; Does my Child Have an Anxiety Disorder; Fatherhood; Drugs, Dopamine and Brain: Addiction Science and Treatment among Youth; and many more. Check out this website for more conference information and to register, https://parenting.extension.wisc.edu/raising-wisconsins-children-2023-conference/
Visit http://crawford.extension.wisc.edu/ to find more information.