A Mar-Mac Police Officer was assaulted while on an emergency medical call. Police Chief Robert Millin says in a press release posted on social media that the incident happened On August 19 when it was reported that a 15-week pregnant female was ejected from a horse and the horse had fallen on her at an event called “The Rib Ride”.
When officers arrived, a man began verbally harassing them. After a brief exchange of words with one of the officers, the man, Patrick L. Jones, of rural McGregor, ambushed the officer, without justification, from behind and threatened him. The officer attempted to apprehend Jones but he resisted arrest. Jones then grabbed a second officer by the throat. Jones was eventually removed from the event by an unknown person.
Jones is accused of Assault on a Peace Officer (Class D Felony), Assault on a Peace Officer (Serious Misdemeanor), Interference with Official Acts, Harassment of a Public Official, Disorderly Conduct, and Public Intoxication.
The Mar-Mac Police Department was assisted by departments from Prairie du Chien, Monona and Postville.